High Road. London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Completed: 2009
Client: London Borough of Redbridge, Design for London.
Architects: Meadowcroft Griffin Architects
Phil Meadowcroft, Hugo Braddick, Esther Everett, Elizabeth King, Valerie Saveeda-Lux
Civil Engineering and Enviornment: Buro Happold
Cost Consultant: Davis Langdon
Landscape Architects: Latz und Partner
Socio-Economics: Hunt Dobson Stringer
Planning: RPS
Property: Savills
Transport: Steer Davis Gleave
2003 – 2013 Meadowcroft Griffin Architects (MGA)
PM Phil Meadowcroft (Director)
AG Ann Griffin (Director)
HB Hugo Braddick (Director 2007 - 2013)
CC Catriona Casey (Associate)
EE Esther Everett (Associate)
EK Elizabeth King (Associate)
JM Jane MacCuish (Associate)
JB Jennifer Bull
MC Marta Castillo
GD Geraldine Dening
HE-T Hadas Even-Tzur
RF Rebecca Fode
AH Adam Holland
JH Jamie Hughes
NH Nike Himmels
SH Sarah Habershon
TJ Tommy Jay
ZK Zak Keene
SL Sam Levine
SM Simon Mellor
PQ Patrick Quinn
JS John Stiles
RS Rachel Sykes
PT Patrick Toff
DVK Dennis Van Kampen
(D) Denotes Project Director
(P) Denotes Project Architect
* As part of MGA’s dissolution, Ann Griffin requested that the full description of her role as co-director should be as follows:
Lauriston School: “By Meadowcroft Griffin Architects. By Ann Griffin of Meadowcroft Griffin Architects; Ann Griffin, Project Director and lead designer”.
Stanley School: “By Meadowcroft Griffin Architects; Ann Griffin, Project Director and lead designer; Philip Meadowcroft and Hugo Braddick, Directors and design support”